Evoto saves time and improves communication. It allows you to quickly snap a photo, add a voice memo and then text or email both. No special app is needed to view the photo or listen to the attached audio. Videos are great but very problematic when texting or emailing due to size. Evoto make the process of describing a complicated job or situation quick and efficient.
Evoto was designed with mobile professionals in mind. Evoto quickly pays for itself with just a couple of uses. It may save you a trip to the supply house. You may use it to quickly solicit the advice of a peer. It may help you quickly offer advice to a junior tech faced with a new situation.
Evoto will also help you impress your customers. Imagine you are a landscaper and you use Evoto to take a picture of a yard and you provide a voice memo sharing your expertise on improvements. No doubt your customer will be impressed.
No picture - No problem
Maybe you just want to email yourself or your assistant a quick voice memo. Just skip the picture part. Record a quick voice memo and click Send Email to launch the email.
Not just for business
Maybe you want to take a picture of the kids and have them sing happy birthday to a relative far away. How about taking a picture of your daughters piano recital and including a sound clip? The possibilities are endless.